Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Notice of Loss of 20CN Broadband services in Suffolk/Essex area - IMT 36907/15 FINAL




BT Wholesale – Loss of Broadband Services – Major Incident




This email is for information only.


The information contained in this briefing is confidential information as per your terms and conditions with BT. Please do not forward, republish or permit unauthorised access. The content is accurate at the time of writing and is subject to change.



BT Incident Reference:


Issue : 3





Detected DATE:


Detected TIME:

09: 46




Start DATE:


Start TIME:

09: 46




Actual Clear DATE:


Actual Clear TIME:

03: 55




Incident Impact Statement:


You will have received previous notifications regarding the loss of internet services to individual DSL muxes across Suffolk and Essex. We are fully aware of the issue impacting connectivity to these Broadband services which has been caused by a fibre cable breakdown, impacting transmission systems. Re-route options were investigated but proved not possible.


FINAL: The onsite cable repair team completed the activities by 03:55. All Broadband services were prioritised and restored at either 00:15 or 00:30.


Update (24:00), the onsite repair team have now fully prepared the replacement 96 fibre cable for repair (fibre re-splicing) activities, which has commenced. The estimation for full service restoration is 08:00, assuming there are no unforeseen issues. However customers may see their services restore prior to this time, as the fibre repair progresses through the night.   


Update(20:00), A damaged cable has been found and confirmed to be a 96 fibre, this cable has been cut in half while services are being provided to a new development in the Wherstead area of Ipswich. PTO and jointers are onsite and have installed a new fibre cable and are currently preparing it in readiness to splice. Splicing is due to commence at 22:00, the engineers on site have been provided details of with fibres carry the services. There is no ETR at this time a further update will be provided once services are returned or any other significant development.


Update(16:30), Cable incident has now been raised as the fault has been proved out from both ends (Colchester & Ipswich) The cable incident is IMT36995/15. Precision testing officers (PTO) are working on localizing the fault which is 4.72km away from Ipswich telephone exchange. A PTO is in the field driving to the location of Bourne Hill which is in the Wherstead area of Ipswich. The fault has yet to be confirmed but on initial findings it looking like a 96 fibre cable that has been affected. A further update will be provided once the location and details have been confirmed.







Incident Headline:

Broadband Services Communications: Suffolk/Essex :  Loss of Service:




Incident Details:

Some of your customers may be experiencing a Loss of Service




Geographical Area:





This message concerns an on-going incident. We have tried to make sure that the information is accurate at the time of publication but it may quickly become out of date as the incident progresses. You may use the information only to advise your customers of the progress of the incident. You must not re-publish the information in any form except as a service update on your customer website.




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